9:00 AM London
10:00 AM Paris
4:00 PM Singapore
9:06 AM London
10:06 AM Paris
4:06 PM Singapore
10:00 AM London
11:00 AM Paris
5:00 PM Singapore
10:40 AM London
11:40 AM Paris
5:40 PM Singapore
11:00 AM London
12:00 AM Paris
6:00 PM Singapore
11:20 AM London
12:20 AM Paris
6:20 PM Singapore
12:00 PM London
13:00 PM Paris
7:00 PM Singapore
12:25 PM London
1:25 PM Paris
7:25 PM Singapore
1:00 PM London
2:00 PM Paris
8:00 PM Singapore
1:40 PM London
2:40 PM Paris
8:40 PM Singapore
2:10 PM London
3:10 PM Paris
9:10 PM Singapore
2:30 PM London
3:30 PM Paris
9:30 PM Singapore
3:15 PM London
4:15 PM Paris
10:15 AM Singapore
3:40 PM London
4:40 PM Paris
10:40 PM Singapore
4:45 PM London
5:45 PM Paris
11:45 PM Singapore
Telco customers now prefer a fully digital experience that balances self-service, convenience, instant support and personalized recommendations
In a world where hyperconnectivity is expected and considered normal - offering a superior CX becomes critical for brands looking to gain market share
Explore what the future of telco will look like - and what the emerging trends are